The Top Three Benefits from joining the Milpitas Chamber of Commerce:
- Business exposure.
- Business credibility.
- Be part of a strong, unified voice at City, County and State levels that expresses the business point of view.
After Hours Business Mixers-Monthly (Mix & mingle with business leaders)
Connection Club-Monthly (Leads Group)
Business Breakfast-Quarterly (Where business & leadership communities meet informally)
Publications & Advertising
Panorama Newsletter (Printed newsletter with lots of recognition opportunities and advertising)
Chamber Business Directory-Online & In Print (Free listing for Chamber members)
Member Offer Discounts (Promotions between members)
Brochures (Promoting every Chamber Member)
Hot Topics (Weekly review of what is happening in your business community)
Annual Auction & Crab Feed (Promote your business by sponsoring and/or donating to the silent auction)
Awards Banquet
Casino Night Fundraiser (Promote your business through sponsorship)
Ribbon Cuttings (For grand openings, relaunches, etc.)
Educational Seminars
Festiv’ALL (Multi-cultural mega mixer)
Chamber Briefing - (Find out what Chamber membership can do for your business)
Other Benefits
Ambassador Program (Volunteer workforce who are recognized at each event. Additional exposure for your business)
Business Referrals (Chamber members will always be referred first)
Promo Display at Office (Member collateral displayed at the Chamber office for anyone seeking information & services)
Business License Lists– Monthly (List of new business licenses issued by the City. Available to Chamber members at no cost.)
Certificates of Origin (Used for exporting to pass through customs. Free to Chamber members)
Public Announcement System (Members can use our systems for their events)
Website (Great source of information about Milpitas and events. A place where members can post their events)
Office Use (Members can use the Chamber office for 3 free hours per month during office hours for meetings, etc.)
Copy Machine (The copy machine is available to members to make up to 20 color copies per month at a low cost)
SCORE (Free business advice & mentoring 1:1 with two counselors, by appointment only)
Referral Bonus (Bring in a new member and receive $20 discount on your membership dues)